About this project
Throughout their day, teachers use a countless number of supplies while instructing their students. Providing children with a thoughtful and truly enriching educational experience is the goal of teachers all across the world. Like designers, teachers begin to develop their own personal style for their classrooms. This project provides a small glimpse into the way designers can help teachers create a more unified look to their classrooms, so they may continue to do what they do best.
The main design challenge for the bathroom passes was changing the orientation as the original bathroom passes were horizontal rather than vertical. I wanted to keep the illustrations simple and recognizable, while staying within the space theme.
The bulletin board borders were really fun to illustrate as I played around with different layouts, text options, and art styles. Ultimately, I went with this design because it was both informative and creative at the same time. 
Originally, these labels were meant to designate special places around the classroom such as the class library, submission bin, clock, pencil sharpener, etc. However after some discussion, we realized making labels for supply organization would be more beneficial. 
The first iterations of the labels included more intricate, hand-made type with no illustrations, but we changed it to include more legibile type and referential drawings for students whose first language is not English.
Thank you for your interest!
Be sure to reach out with any questions :)

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